Stop me if you've heard this one, "there was a lien on the title that had to be addressed." Believe it or not it happens with a high degree of regularity. A surprisingly large number of all real estate transactions have title issues that need to be cleaned up before the … [Read more...]
2016, Predictions For Richmond, VA. Real Estate
When I started to write this article I was asked, "shouldn't you have done this in January"? Perhaps, though closings that took place in January, minus a few cash accelerated closings, were a reflection of 2015 activity. Tracking new inventory and watching what cycles … [Read more...]
Are you a real estate investor or not?
I don't think I would want to live here. One thing you will never hear a serious investor say is, "If I wouldn't live in it, I wouldn't buy it". Well if you are accustomed to living in houses that are over 2000 sqft, with large rooms, gas cooking and located in Chesterfield you … [Read more...]
About Me
I am a Richmond native. I have lived in other cities but Richmond, Va is my home. Over the years I have accumulated a vast knowledge of Richmond's history and culture, as well as it's economic growth. A lifetime of observations and experiences, in both residential and … [Read more...]
Is Your Buyer Agent Doing These Things?
Buyers need agents to help them with their real estate purchase. However buyer agents are everywhere you look, so how do you know if the one you chose is going to deliver the home of your dreams. To ensure this happens in a timely manner, you as the buyer should know a few … [Read more...]